The welfare of Romanian society viewed from the historical and socio-economical perspective

  • Adina Mihailescu Senior Researcher, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy
Keywords: wealth, population household, historical perspective, consumption patterns


Well-being is the satisfaction felt by each individual, in relation to what surrounds him, and which refers not only to the material conditions, namely the accumulation of goods and services, but also to safety of each, through which it can be put value on the individual personality. By comparing the budgets of different categories, we retrieve the way they operate after a certain hierarchy of needs, from the most elementary to the least needed. Studying the consumption model is necessary to see human needs at some point in a society. Consumer models make it possible to distribute economic resources optimally in order to improve the quality of life of individuals, groups, communities and the willingness to bring these levels of consumption closer. The structure of consumption is also linked to the level of preparation of the individual.

How to Cite
Mihailescu, A. (2020) “The welfare of Romanian society viewed from the historical and socio-economical perspective”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 20(1), pp. 82-96. doi: 10.35782/JCPP.2020.1.05.