Access to justice - Trust and perceptions of the Roma minority

  • Gabriela Petre PhD Student, National School of Political and Administrative Studies
Keywords: Roma minority, justice, social inclusion, poverty, human rights


Discrimination and inequality for various reasons continue to be a reality of everyday life throughout the European Union, as confirmed by the results of surveys and various national studies and research published in recent years. At the level of vulnerable groups (including people in poverty, ethnic minorities, young people, the elderly or women) discrimination and inequality are more pronounced. Access to justice for these disadvantaged groups should contribute to increasing inclusion, increasing socio-economic integration, but barriers (lack of education, information, lack of identity documents, lack of material resources, etc.) in the way of access to justice are sometimes too extended for these people. Thus, the inability of disadvantaged people to access legal services is both a result and a cause of the low degree of inclusion and development, as well as the high degree of vulnerability. This article highlights the trust and perceptions of Roma minority in Romania in the justice system in the context in which justice is still far from meeting the expectations of citizens, access to justice being unequal especially due to geographical, economic, cultural, social, psychological / temporal barriers. The article makes an important contribution to a broader understanding of the size and nature of the legal needs of members of the Roma minority and the obstacles they face in seeking legal protection in general, but especially for guiding public policies in the field of justice based on reality perceived by those involved in this complex phenomenon.

Author Biography

Gabriela Petre, PhD Student, National School of Political and Administrative Studies


How to Cite
Petre, G. (2021) “Access to justice - Trust and perceptions of the Roma minority”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, (2), pp. 31-45. doi: 10.35782/JCPP.2021.2.03.